Saturday, February 24, 2018

Great experience today! I'm glad that I have attended. Have learned a lot about using robotics. Can honestly say that there is so much that I need to apply and use in my class in a practical, useful, and meaningful way.

I believe that what I do must be organized in a way that will provide rigor, meaning, and engaging.
It must fit what I am teaching and not be used as filler.  I am a servant to students, teachers, and others not myself.

I need to be more of a facilator and let the students retain ownership in their learning.  Technology is a tool in learning not entertainment.  My experience with GAETI has taught me to embrace technology and not be afraid of it.   This must be my goal after my GAETI experience is to be a Lifetime Learner!!!!!!!  "Make an Impact on Others" from Melissa Adkins.
Jeffery Coleman also stated "It's not about me but others."  "Be a Servant."

 It was great to see everyone and I hope that I will continue these friendships and acquaintances for the future. This has been a Blessing!!!!!!!!