Saturday, February 24, 2018

Great experience today! I'm glad that I have attended. Have learned a lot about using robotics. Can honestly say that there is so much that I need to apply and use in my class in a practical, useful, and meaningful way.

I believe that what I do must be organized in a way that will provide rigor, meaning, and engaging.
It must fit what I am teaching and not be used as filler.  I am a servant to students, teachers, and others not myself.

I need to be more of a facilator and let the students retain ownership in their learning.  Technology is a tool in learning not entertainment.  My experience with GAETI has taught me to embrace technology and not be afraid of it.   This must be my goal after my GAETI experience is to be a Lifetime Learner!!!!!!!  "Make an Impact on Others" from Melissa Adkins.
Jeffery Coleman also stated "It's not about me but others."  "Be a Servant."

 It was great to see everyone and I hope that I will continue these friendships and acquaintances for the future. This has been a Blessing!!!!!!!!

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Hi Everybody I'm back again!  Have enjoyed the day learning and sharing about our adventures of using technology in the classroom for the start of the new school year.  The reality of the matter I've used more of the planning methods but have had a chance to work on basic uses of the computer skills. 

Learning about grant writing was very informative.  It's about building relationships and working with people that have the talent to help in obtain these grants. What surprised me was the availability  of these grants.  One must take the initiative to write these grants and meet the qualifications.  "Opportunity Knocks, go for It"!

Codes and learning about using programming was eye opening.   Knowledge is not Understanding!

Friday, June 30, 2017

This was a long day but very enjoyable.  I am glad that I came because it lays a foundation for me in using and teaching technology in the classroom.  Presenting my Portfolio was not easy but I believe it was one of the most important steps that I have taken in moving on with my career as a teacher.  When your the old man on the block you might think it is over and your ready for the farm.  Hello! It's not over.  I've only just begun!

My goal is to put more effort into the classroom and use the technology available. If anything I need to simply remember the technology is for the benefit for the students..  Rome was not built in a day.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Enjoyed the presentation of the Art Projects.  Just incredible talent that is in this group.
What I can actually say is that I've learned so much from all these guys.  I am  so thankful that I was given the opportunity to attend. I just have so much to learn.

Dr. Bunch and Dr. Lee were very supportive and were encouraging as they made their visit.  I can't wait for the Fall session but I will need lots of practice. The more I use the technology and practice methods of instruction it will be benefit those I teach.   It's not all about me, it's about others.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Great day today!  Trying to get the finishing touches on our projects.  The lesson plan has been my stickler.   I've got to be consistent with how I prepare it. I feel a little stressed in preparing but I'm going to make it. The power point presentation will be the part if my presentation( The Civil War).
I need to work on consistent practice as a teacher in using my lesson plans.

Enjoyed Dr. Straughter presentation on self-preservation as an educator and professional.  We must take care of ourselves. I know that this will help as I finish my career! Set goals that are realistic. Take it one day at a time. Rome was not built in a day.

I'm working on trying to set up a business. I hope we have more time to get some done on my presentation.  I getting more ideas on how to present. Just don't Stress!

Great Skipe from Ruth's friend Mayara.  The Best! Enjoyed hearing about Brazil!

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Another day down and one learning experience after another. Dr. Lee has been a great help today.  I have to say he is one patient man.   He would be a great Middle School teacher I believe.   Very methodical with showing us how to use Infographic on a video and audio.   Technology just blows my mind.

Just putting it all together has been hard work but worth it.  I felt frustrated at first but as the day went on I started to get my confidence back.  Enjoyed working on the Weebly Portfolio and I realize your not going to invent the wheel in one day. It takes time and practice. That's why we are Teachers.

Our final presentation was on Prezi and we found out that it changed from Classic to New and updated.   Technology changes more than coke.

Monday, June 26, 2017

I like adobe spark. It's strictly user friendly.. Writing a story about your self is truly enjoyable.  Can't wait to finish it. We just finished our work on making a newspaper. I truly enjoyed it and hope to use it my classroom.    

I'm behind in getting my samples ready for presentation on Wednesday thru Friday.   I'm going to have to take a lot time getting familiar with the work at hand. Enjoyed today's sessions.